MX Properties, Inc, (Real Estate) in Lakeland
Full information about MX Properties, Inc, in Lakeland: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. MX Properties, Inc, on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of MX Properties, Inc,:
500 South Florida Ave, Suite 340, Lakeland, Florida (FL), 33801
EditMX Properties, Inc, opening hours:
EditReviews about MX Properties, Inc,:
About MX Properties, Inc,:
MX Properties, Inc. specializes in a wide range of commercial property developments, including retail, QSR, C-store, grocery, and healthcare real estate. We also focus on auto-use developments like car washes, self-storage facilities, and comprehensive land planning to create sustainable, profitable spaces.
EditReal Estate nearest to MX Properties, Inc,:
Anchor Investment Corp of Florida Lakeland, Real Estate; 500 S Florida Ave, Lakeland, FL, 33801-5276; (863) 682-6173
Donna Beckert, Realtor - MIDFLORIDA Real Estate Sales, LLC Lakeland, Real Estate; 520 S. Florida Ave., Lakeland, FL, 33801; (863) 608-9031
Mercantile Bank Lakeland, Real Estate; 500 S Florida Ave#500, Lakeland, FL, 33815-1519; (863) 603-0327
Mercantile Bank Mortgage Lakeland, Real Estate; 500 S Florida Ave#500, Lakeland, FL, 33801-4629; (863) 687-6672